10,500Ltr Rural Fire Ready Underground Water Tank Supply & Installed

10,500Ltr Rural Fire Ready Underground Water Tank Supply & Installed

Product ID: FURS10500T


  • Ascetically pleasing below ground solution.
  • Safety, Flexibility, Durability.
  • Earth lock technology.
  • Collects both storm water & surface water for drought and flooding rain.
  • Installation package includes Excavation, Tankless tank ,Cast iron inspection lid Twin pumping location, Submersible pump 1.1kw 100litres per minute.  Connect to CFA approved 50mm Gate valve & 65mm Male coupling.  Plus a self priming Fire fighting Honda 5.5HP pump 500litres per minute, standard high flow storm water filter.


Capture,filter,drain & recycle water for Drought & Flooding Rain.

Replicating a natural Aquifer on your land to catapult water catchment & storage 3-fold.

Additional information

Dimensions800 × 320 × 90 cm



  • Patent Application No. 2021269296 & 2024900762
  • Engineer reports for load testing:

Chadwicks T&T Report  Nobles Weight Test



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