3,000Ltr Urban Underground Rainwater Tank Supply & Installed

3,000Ltr Urban Underground Rainwater Tank Supply & Installed

Product ID: URS3000T


  • Urban space at a premium
  • Safety,Flexibility,Durability
  • Ultra low excavation 900mm
  • Smallest footprint bar none
  • Collects both storm water & surface water
  • Grow vegetables or a lush lawn & recycle excess water back to the tank
  • Installation package includes Excavation, Tankless tank, Hyjet 80ltr submersible pump, Standard high flow storm water filter, Rains to Mains controller for toilet supply.
  • Customer to supply skip bin to remove soil.


Urban Space can be at a premium.

Tankless features Flexibility, Safety & Durability.

Ultra low excavation saves cost & flexible in shape & depth.

Collects both Filtered storm & surface water. Why miss out on surface water & help with drainage?

Safety: Market leader in Unique design minimizes the access point  to protect your family & pets yet still delivers exceptional flow of water through innovation.

2 Separate Engineer reports for load testing with all quotes.

No concrete required to hold in place.

Smallest foot print access lid on the market.

Tankless enclosed design has a previous surface lid yet maintains soil moisture to grow vegetables or a lush lawn over the top all the while recycling excess water back to the reservoir. Only Tankless can boast this successfully.

No additional plumbing require between each coil, we just add more coils to increase the volume.

All this backed by a 10 year warranty.

Only Tankless has reviews from customers after they have used the system on their property for more than ten years. That’s peace of mind.

Additional information

Dimensions480 × 160 × 80 cm





  • Patent Application No. 2021269296
  • Engineer reports for load testing:

Chadwicks T&T ReportNobles Weight Test


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